Green End Designs

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wedding dress portraits!!!

I am SO, SO, SO, SOOOOO excited to announce our new creative venture in custom wedding dress portraits!

I was (and still am) OBSESSED with my wedding every girl should be. I mean, I seriously stayed up all night on our wedding night because I didn't want to take it off since, you know, YOU WILL NEVER WEAR IT EVER AGAIN. *le sigh* So with a heavy heart, I took my dress to get preserved and it now resides in a box in my closet. I can't take it out to admire its beauty. I can't touch its silky ruching. It is like a relic that is all too holy to be taken out of its dark, sterile box because it is THE DRESS. You are never going to have a dress like it and you are never going to be the princess you were that night. So, what is a girl to do? Get a portrait painted of your dress, of course!

It can be a gift to yourself or a gift from a dear loved one, but I can guarantee that it will always be special. My portrait currently resides in our living room, so I get to see it every single day and admire it as if my dress were in the room. I always make sure that whatever hangs on my walls, really has meaning. I suppose that is the artist in me. I hope you all are as excited as I am to begin this new adventure!

Although this is brand new, I already have a back log of portraits. Current wait time will be around two months. With the holidays coming, be sure to get your order in soon!
